
Modern Fashion

So, today I went shopping at the mall with some friends. It's interesting how much fashion has changed through the centuries. I'm just glad we don't have to wear corsets and petticoats and bloomers anymore. :P


Geocache "Bonus" Pictures

Here are the pictures of the thing I found. It looks like a box, but I can't open it at all. :P



So I tried out this new thing called geocaching, and I took my video camera! It was really fun and I think I found something that wasn't part of the geocache. I'll post some pictures of it later. :) Here's the video:


Modern Literacy

Education sure has come a long way in the last few centuries. Whereas at one time not too long ago most people could not read or write, today most of the Western world is literate. Of course, you might be fooled if you got a text from one of my friends from high school yesterday... :P


Health Code

Today my friends and I tried a new restaurant out, and it was good.... But after we finished eating, I saw a roach run across the floor! Of course, I won't be eating there again. Do you realize that modern health code is actually a fairly recent development? In fact, there didn't even used to be a health code. There was a woman in England a few hundred years ago who made ale in her chicken house, and just let the droppings fall into it. And turn-of-the-19th-century meat packing was disgusting. Today, we have health code and inspectors and laws to prevent that kind of thing and protect the public health, which is a good thing, because roaches are gross!

It looks like no one's found my blog yet. That's OK though, I just got started, and I'm sure I'll have lots of readers someday. :)


Hi! :)

Hey! This is Rebecca Flores, or as my Grampy calls me, Becka Bella (Becka Belle). I'm keeping this blog to talk about the things that I think are important, like the way people live and what we do, and how what we do affects tomorrow. History is just the stories about what happened yesterday, and what people did, and now the things they did in the past affect us today. So, that's one of the things I want to show, how the things we do today change the future. I'll write about my life and the interesting things that happen in it. :) Then, twenty or thirty, or maybe even 100 years from now, people will be able to look at what I wrote and gain insight into life in the early twenty-first century. :)